Basics of web development

HTML Links

15 min

HTML links are commonly used for navigating to different sections of a website, linking to other web pages, or downloading files. The link is used with the <a> tag (anchor tag) and its href attribute (hyperlink reference). Here are examples of how to use links:

<a href="">Go to</a>
<a href="/toinen-sivu.html">Go to another page</a>
<a href="#osa-sivusta">Go to part of the page</a> ...<h2 id="osa-sivusta"> This is part of the page</h2>
<a href="">send email</a>
<a href="/tiedosto.pdf" download>Download the file</a>

Target attribute

<a href="" target="_blank">Open the Example site in a new window</a>

We will examine images (img tag) more closely in the next paragraph.

<a href="/toinen-sivu.html"><img src="kuva.jpg" alt="Picture"></a>


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