Python Programming


20 min

Cobra Mathematics!

In Python code, you can easily perform calculations. Let's print the sum of the arithmetic operation 3+3 as an example.



Or, let's create a variable sum, whose value is the sum of the calculation 3+3.

sum = 3+3


Variable computation

Let's take an example of variables from the previous module:

player1_hp = 100
player2_hp = 100

We can easily create a variable whose value is the sum of both players' HP.

total_hp = player1_hp + player2_hp

Adding or Subtracting the Value of a Variable

What if player 1 took 10 damage and we wanted to decrease the player's HP by ten? This can be done by giving the player1_hp variable a completely new value, but using the original value as a variable in the new value, subtracting 10 from it.

player1_hp = player1_hp - 10

In Python, there is a small shortcut for this (it does the same thing as above):

player1_hp -= 10

Boosting works the same way, let's say that the other player casts a healing spell that heals 10 damage.

player1_hp = player1_hp + 10

Or alternatively shortcut:

player1_hp += 10

Multiplication and division operations

Multiplication operations are performed using asterisks (*) and division operations using forward slashes.

print(6 * 7)

print(12 of 4)



Just to do the task! You can use variables x and y with any numbers you want.


Task 1

Make the variables x, y and sum. Define the value of the variable sum as the sum of the variables x and y (i.e. the result of the addition).

Task 2

In addition, make the variable income. Define the product of the variable as the product of the variables x and y (i.e. the result of multiplication).

Task 3

In addition, variable separation. Define the variable difference as the difference between the variables x and y (ie the result of the subtraction).

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